
Healthchecks for Flask Apps
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Flask-Meter is an add-on to the Flask web framework. Flask-Meter adds a monitoring endpoint for consuming application metrics. It can be really simple to set up. Flask-Meter modifies the Flask application to provide an enpoint at /_health where you will get a JSON response of the system’s uptime, current git revision.

You can also add in extra checks by passing in a list of checks to the constructor.


Install and update using pip:

pip install -U Flask-Meter

Flask Configuration

from Flask import Flask
from flask_meter import FlaskMeter

app = Flask(__name__)


Or if you can use the init_app function:

from Flask import Flask
from flask_meter import FlaskMeter

app = Flask(__name__)

flask_meter = FlaskMeter()


  • Current Git Commit
  • Accepts custom functions


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